If your eyes look “tired” or “sleepy” you may have a condition called acquired blepharoptosis or better known as ptosis. Upneeq is the only FDA-approved prescription eyedrop for acquired ptosis (low-lying lids) that lifts your upper eyelids to open your eyes.
REQUEST APPOINTMENTHow does Upneeq work?
Upneeq is an eye drop that should be inserted once a day, one drop per eye. Upneeq works by stimulating an involuntary eyelid muscle, the Muller’s muscle, to contract and raise the upper eyelid. In clinical studies, the average amount of upper eyelid lift was 1 mm. While this minor lift will not give you the dramatic results possible with surgery, this small lift can be cosmetically and/or medically beneficial to many patients.
How long does Upneeq last?
Each dose (one drop daily) of Upneeq was shown to be effective for at least 6 hours in clinical studies. You should wait 15 minutes after applying Upneeq before using contact lenses or any other eye drop.
Who is a good candidate for Upneeq?
If you have mild, moderate, or severe eyelid ptosis (sagging), and you are not taking any medications that will interfere with Upneeq, then you may be a good candidate for the eye-lifting drop. You will need clearance from our aestheticians and provider prior to purchasing Upneeq in our office since it is a prescription eye drop.
Before and After Upneeq Results