Weight loss is a hot topic of discussion these days and has been for some time. We talk about the various ways in which we can drop unwanted pounds, which diets are good and which are bad; which exercises are most effective and which are a waste of time. Ultimately, the objective of losing weight is to feel more confident about your shape. Looking at it from that perspective, we have to add in the value of muscle-toning. Don’t panic! We’re not about to suggest we add to an already complex conversation. We’re here to make it as easy as possible to get the body you want. One way we do that is with EMSCULPT.
We’re pretty excited about this new technology that recently gained FDA approval. EMSCULPT is a non-invasive treatment that mimics the effects of exercise. Not just any exercise, the hard, strenuous exercise that we have typically related to in terms of “no pain, no gain.”
The science behind EMSCULPT lies in high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM). When this energy is directed inward from the skin, it reaches deep below the surface, where it affects the supramaximal layer of muscle tissue. When HIFEM penetrates into this area, it causes contractions in the deep part of the muscle. This is more than a basic, weak contraction. EMSCULPT delivers energy in a strategic pattern that causes strong contractions in the same muscles that would be used in crunches and squats.
Each treatment session results in thousands of muscle contractions per minute. Per minute! Even the best cross-fitter around cannot perform thousands of squats or crunches in that time frame. Studies have suggested that the deep, rapid contractions are so intense that fat cell destruction coincides with muscle-building.
What To Expect From EMSCULPT
Thinking about thousands of intense contractions, you may question this whole idea of “no pain, no gain.” You may imagine that an EMSCULPT treatment would be quite uncomfortable. This is a misconception. The sensation of muscle contractions is said to feel strange, not painful. Many patients laugh or smile at the way treatment feels at first. If contractions feel too intense, the device can be adjusted as needed. Now, after treatment, patients should expect slight soreness. They worked out without working out!
The value of EMSCULPT is seen in the results patients achieve. Some people start to notice a change right away (remember, muscles are worked thousands of times harder than the average workout). However, muscle toning improves over time. Studies have indicated that twice-weekly treatments for a few weeks can result in:
- Up to 1.5-inch reduction in waist circumference
- Up to 16% more muscle mass
- Up to 19% fat reduction
- 80% of patients in clinical trials noticed a visible buttock lift after treatment
- A significant increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment)
- 96% of patients in clinical trials expressed satisfaction with their results
The stomach and the buttocks can be difficult to sculpt. They don’t have to be. Call our Fresno office at
559-435-SKIN (7546) to learn more about EMSCULPT.