Need a Lyft? No, that’s not a typo. We want to talk about how many people are correcting the signs of facial aging using a non-surgical approach to lifting tissue that has begun to sage.
One of the troublesome aspects of reaching mid-life is the way the face changes. Tissue that once sat high and firm on the skeletal structure beneath loses firmness without sufficient collagen. As it does, we see problems like the dropping of the eyebrows and skin below the bony ridge on which they should sit. We see a widening of the lower face (jawline and jowls) simultaneous to a flattening of the midface (cheeks and temples). This inversion is in direct contrast to the proportions that portray youthfulness.
As the face changes naturally, we now have the opportunity to offset that inversion. One of the ways we do that in our Fresno dermatology and aesthetics practice is with Restylane Lyft ®.
What Is Restylane Lyft?
Restylane Lyft follows suit with the other products in this family, having a base of hyaluronic acid in a gel-like consistency. What makes Restylane Lyft different from standard Restylane is the particle size of the former. Restylane Lyft is made to lift the tissue of the mid-face by adding volume in a denser form that restores the structure. Because particles are larger, they can be introduced more deeply beneath the skin, where they add contours without the appearance of too much plumpness. Ultimately, the results from treatment are natural-looking and feeling as:
- Midface fullness is subtly enhanced through cheek contouring,
- The lower face is gently lifted, reducing the appearance of jowls,
- Hollowness beneath the apples of the cheeks is diminished, and
- Moderate to severe folds around the nose and mouth are smoothed.
Facial Rejuvenation With Restylane Lyft
One of the reasons dermal fillers are so popular is because treatment usually takes only about thirty minutes and results can be seen immediately. Restylane Lyft is non-animal based and has a long history of successful patient outcomes. This particular product is formulated specifically for the mid-face and the correction of volume loss that occurs here with age. The inclusion of Lidocaine in the solution amplifies comfort.
We’d love to speak with you about your cosmetic concerns and about how Restylane or other injectable solutions may give you the lift you desire. Call 559-435-SKIN (7546) to schedule your consultation.