Earlier this month, we broached the sensitive topic of aging skin and the fact that there are genetic factors to aging over which we have no control. In this post, we will discuss the extrinsic or external factors that lead to lines, wrinkles, dryness, and more. The good news about extrinsic aging is that you have numerous ways to slow it down. So let’s get to some tips to do just that!
- Avoid tobacco. Among the various problems with smoking, the lack of oxygen in the skin is crucial to aging. In addition to oxygen deprivation, smoking also releases toxic chemicals and free radicals directly to the skin on the face, which leads to a dull, sallow complexion.
- No tanning. There is enough evidence available now for us all to know that no tan is a safe tan. It doesn’t matter where it comes from, natural sunlight or a tanning bed. The ultraviolet light of either degrades collagen and elastin, the two chemicals that give skin its firmness and softness.
- Eat low-glycemic foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables along with lean protein aren’t just good for health; they are good for your aging skin. According to research, those who eat large quantities of carbs and sugars age more quickly.
- Consider restricting. Some say that, when we get older, we naturally eat less. According to research on calorie restriction, this may be a great way to slow the aging process. Calorie restriction by 1/3 may not be for everyone, but, when approved by your doctor, could be a healthy way to manage health.
- Control stress. Stress is just bad news all the way around. It robs you of the small joys of life, and it also damages your organs. Specifically, it is cortisol that does this. Reducing stress is not only healthy, but it can also be fun. Try yoga, walking in nature, or traveling more.
- Use the right moisturizer. Here’s a big tip: the moisturizer you used in your twenties won’t do the trick in your thirties or beyond. In fact, you may find that you need to switch up your skin care routine every decade, or even more frequently.
We are here to help you support your skin as it ages. To schedule anti-aging skin treatments or dermatologic care in our Fresno office, call (559) 435-SKIN (7546).